The nylas-buffer-time
component is a UI component that allows users to set buffer time before and after an event.
Version | 1.3.4 |
Install (React) | npm install @nylas/react |
Import (React) | import { NylasBufferTime } from '@nylas/react'; |
Import (CDN) | <script type="module">
import { defineCustomElement } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@nylas/web-elements@latest/dist/cdn/nylas-buffer-time/nylas-buffer-time.es.js";
</script> |
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
name | The name of the calendar picker. | string | 'buffer-time' | |
selectedLanguage | The selected language. | LANGUAGE_CODE.de | LANGUAGE_CODE.en | LANGUAGE_CODE.es | LANGUAGE_CODE.fr | LANGUAGE_CODE.ja | LANGUAGE_CODE.ko | LANGUAGE_CODE.nl | LANGUAGE_CODE.sv | LANGUAGE_CODE.zh | undefined | undefined |
Standalone Props
ⓘ NOTE: The following props are automatically configured when used within nylas-scheduler-editor. Set these props manually only if you’re using the component independently.
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
buffer | The buffer time | { before: number; after: number; } | this.selectedConfiguration?.availability?.availability_rules?.buffer ?? { before: 0, after: 0 } |
Event | Description | Type |
valueChanged | This event is fired when the selected buffer time is changed. | CustomEvent<{ value: string; name: string; valueChanged?: ((event: CustomEvent<{ value: string; name: string; }>) => void) | undefined; }> |
Shadow Parts
Part | Description |
"nbt" | The buffer time container |
"nbt__body" | The body of the buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-after" | The dropdown container for the after buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-before" | The dropdown container for the before buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-button-after" | The dropdown button for the after buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-button-before" | The dropdown button for the before buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-content-after" | The dropdown content for the after buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-content-before" | The dropdown content for the before buffer time |
"nbt__header" | The header of the buffer time |
"nbt__preview" | The preview container |
Built with StencilJS