"editor__footer" | The footer container |
"editor__footer-buttons" | The buttons container |
"editor__footer-cancel" | |
"editor__footer-cta," | |
"editor__footer-preview" | The preview button container |
"editor__form-contents" | The form contents container |
"editor__tab" | The tabs container |
"editor__tab-content" | The tab content container |
"editor__tabs" | |
"editortab__availability" | |
"editortab__booking-form" | |
"editortab__booking-options" | |
"editortab__communications" | |
"editortab__event-info" | |
"editortab__page-styles" | |
"editortab__participants" | |
"nap__add-participant" | [nylas-additional-participants] The add participant button of the component. |
"nap__add-time-range" | [nylas-availability-picker] The add time range button |
"nap__availability" | [nylas-availability-picker] The availability container |
"nap__content" | [nylas-additional-participants] The content of the component. |
"nap__day" | [nylas-availability-picker] The day container |
"nap__header" | [nylas-availability-picker] The header of the availability picker |
"nap__input" | [nylas-additional-participants] The input of the component. |
"nap__remove-participant" | [nylas-additional-participants] The remove participant button of the component. |
"nap__select-timezone" | [nylas-availability-picker] The timezone selection container |
"nap__select-timezone-button -[nylas-availability-picker] The timezone selection button" | |
"nap__select-timezone-dropdown-content -[nylas-availability-picker] The timezone selection dropdown content" | |
"nap__subtitle" | [nylas-additional-participants] The subtitle of the component. |
"nap__time-picker-container -[nylas-availability-picker] The time picker container" | |
"nap__time-picker-input" | [nylas-availability-picker] The time picker input |
"nap__time-picker-times" | [nylas-availability-picker] The time picker times |
"nap__time-range" | [nylas-availability-picker] The time range container |
"nap__time-ranges" | [nylas-availability-picker] The time ranges container |
"nap__title" | [nylas-additional-participants] The title of the component. |
"nbcp" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The booking calendar picker container |
"nbcp__dropdown" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The dropdown container |
"nbcp__dropdown-button" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The dropdown button |
"nbcp__dropdown-content" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The dropdown content |
"nbcp__header" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The header of the booking calendar picker |
"nbcp__input-label" | [nylas-booking-calendar-picker] The input label of the booking calendar picker |
"nbt" | [nylas-buffer-time] The buffer time container |
"nbt__body" | [nylas-buffer-time] The body of the buffer time |
"nbt__dropdown-after" | [nylas-buffer-time] The after buffer dropdown container |
"nbt__dropdown-before" | [nylas-buffer-time] The before buffer dropdown container |
"nbt__dropdown-button-after" | [nylas-buffer-time] The after buffer dropdown button |
"nbt__dropdown-button-before" | [nylas-buffer-time] The before buffer dropdown button |
"nbt__dropdown-content-after" | [nylas-buffer-time] The after buffer dropdown content |
"nbt__dropdown-content-before" | [nylas-buffer-time] The before buffer dropdown content |
"nbt__header" | [nylas-buffer-time] The header of the buffer time |
"nbt__preview" | [nylas-buffer-time] The buffer time preview |
"ncbf" | [nylas-custom-booking-flow] The custom booking flow container |
"ncbf__dropdown" | [nylas-custom-booking-flow] The dropdown container |
"ncbf__dropdown-button" | [nylas-custom-booking-flow] The dropdown button |
"ncbf__dropdown-content" | [nylas-custom-booking-flow] The dropdown content |
"ncbf__header" | [nylas-custom-booking-flow] The header of the custom booking flow |
"ncbs" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The booking calendar picker container |
"ncbs__additional_guests" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The additional guests setting |
"ncbs__cancellation_options" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The cancellation options setting |
"ncbs__header" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The header of the booking calendar picker |
"ncbs__rescheduling_options" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The rescheduling options setting |
"ncbs__settings" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The settings container |
"ncbs__settings-div" | [nylas-customize-booking-settings] The div inside the settings container that contains the checkbox and tooltip for each setting |
"ncp" | [nylas-calendar-picker] The calendar picker container |
"ncp__dropdown" | [nylas-calendar-picker] The dropdown container |
"ncp__dropdown-button" | [nylas-calendar-picker] The dropdown button |
"ncp__dropdown-content" | [nylas-calendar-picker] The dropdown content |
"ncp__header" | [nylas-calendar-picker] The header of the calendar picker |
"ncpolicy" | [nylas-cancellation-policy] The cancellation policy container |
"ncpolicy__textarea" | [nylas-cancellation-policy] The cancellation policy textarea |
"ned" | [nylas-event-duration] The event duration container |
"ned__dropdown" | [nylas-event-duration] The dropdown container for the duration increment |
"ned__dropdown-button" | [nylas-event-duration] The dropdown button for the duration increment |
"ned__dropdown-content" | [nylas-event-duration] The dropdown content for the duration increment |
"ned__input_dropdown" | [nylas-event-duration] The input dropdown container for the duration minutes |
"ned__input_dropdown-content" | [nylas-event-duration] The dropdown content for the input duration minutes |
"ned__input_dropdown-input" | [nylas-event-duration] The input for the duration minutes |
"nedesc" | [nylas-event-description] The event description container |
"nedesc__textarea" | [nylas-event-description] The event description textarea |
"nel" | [nylas-event-location] The event location container |
"nel__dropdown" | [nylas-event-location] The dropdown container |
"nel__dropdown-button" | [nylas-event-location] The dropdown button |
"nel__dropdown-content" | [nylas-event-location] The dropdown content |
"nel__location" | [nylas-event-location] The event location input |
"net" | [nylas-event-title] The event title container |
"net__dropdown-content" | [nylas-event-title] The token options container |
"net__footer" | |
"net__footer-buttons" | |
"net__footer-cancel" | |
"net__footer-cta" | |
"net__footer-preview" | |
"net__form-contents" | |
"net__tab-availability" | |
"net__tab-booking-form" | |
"net__tab-booking-options" | |
"net__tab-communications" | |
"net__tab-content" | |
"net__tab-event-info" | |
"net__tab-page-styles" | |
"net__tab-participants" | |
"net__tabs" | |
"net__title" | [nylas-event-title] The event title input |
"nlfb" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The limit future bookings container |
"nlfb__number-dropdown" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The number dropdown container |
"nlfb__number-dropdown-button" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The number dropdown button |
"nlfb__number-dropdown-content" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The number dropdown content |
"nlfb__period-dropdown" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The period dropdown container |
"nlfb__period-dropdown-button" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The period dropdown button |
"nlfb__period-dropdown-content" | [nylas-limit-future-bookings] The period dropdown content |
"nmbn" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The minimum booking notice container |
"nmbn__number-dropdown" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The number dropdown container |
"nmbn__number-dropdown-button" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The number dropdown button |
"nmbn__number-dropdown-content -[nylas-min-booking-notice] The number dropdown content" | |
"nmbn__period-dropdown" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The period dropdown container |
"nmbn__period-dropdown-button" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The period dropdown button |
"nmbn__period-dropdown-content" | [nylas-min-booking-notice] The period dropdown content |
"nmcn" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The minimum cancellation notice container |
"nmcn__number-dropdown" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The number dropdown container |
"nmcn__number-dropdown-button" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The number dropdown button |
"nmcn__number-dropdown-content" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The number dropdown content |
"nmcn__period-dropdown" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The period dropdown container |
"nmcn__period-dropdown-button" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The period dropdown button |
"nmcn__period-dropdown-content" | [nylas-min-cancellation-notice] The period dropdown content |
"npca" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The participants custom availability container |
"npca__content" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The content of the participants custom availability |
"npca__header" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The header of the participants custom availability |
"npca__participant-container" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The participant container |
"npca__participant-title" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The participant title |
"npca__participant-toggle--container" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The participant toggle container |
"npca__toggle-input" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The toggle input |
"npca__toggle-label" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The toggle label |
"npca__toggle-slider" | [nylas-participants-custom-availability] The toggle slider |
"npn" | The nylas-page-name container |
"npn__body" | The body of the event communication section |
"npn__drawer-toggle--container" | The card’s drawer toggle container |
"npn__header" | The header of the event communication section |
"npn__input-textfield" | The page name textfield |
"nsm" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The booking calendar picker container |
"nsm__dropdown" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The dropdown container |
"nsm__dropdown-button" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The dropdown button |
"nsm__dropdown-content" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The dropdown content |
"nsm__header" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The header of the booking calendar picker |
"nsm__input-label" | [nylas-scheduling-method] The input label of the booking calendar picker |
"nti" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The timeslot interval container |
"nti__dropdown" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The dropdown container |
"nti__dropdown-button" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The dropdown button |
"nti__dropdown-content" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The dropdown content |
"nti__header" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The header of the timeslot interval picker |
"nti__input-label" | [nylas-timeslot-interval] The input label of the timeslot interval picker |