Scheduler Editor Components
The nylas-scheduler-editor
component is a form that allows users to configure the settings for the Nylas Scheduler.
Version | 1.3.4 |
Install (React) | npm install @nylas/react |
Import (React) | import { NylasSchedulerEditor } from '@nylas/react'; |
Import (CDN) | <script type="module">
import { defineCustomElement } from "";
</script> |
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
additionalParticipants | — | This prop is used to populate the additional participants and their availability in the scheduler editor. | AdditionalParticipant[] | undefined | undefined |
conferenceProviders | — | This prop will be used to populate the conference provider options in the editor. The key is the provider name (‘zoom’) and the value is the grant id. We currently support same provider (‘google’, ‘microsoft’) for all participants and ‘zoom’ for cross-provider conferencing. | undefined | { [x: string]: string; } | undefined |
configurationId | configuration-id | * The configuration id to use for the scheduler editor. If provided, then the scheduler editor will try and fetch the configuration with the provided id. If found, it will automatically load the editor with the configuration settings for editing. | string | undefined | undefined |
defaultAuthArgs | — | The default authentication arguments to use when authenticating a user. | AuthArgs[] | undefined | undefined |
defaultLanguage | default-language | This prop will allow to set a default language for the Nylas scheduling page. | | LANGUAGE_CODE.en | | | LANGUAGE_CODE.ja | LANGUAGE_CODE.ko | | | LANGUAGE_CODE.zh | undefined | undefined |
defaultSchedulerConfigState | — | The default scheduler config store state. Used to set the initial state of the scheduler config store. This state can be used to pass defaults to newly created configurations. | undefined | { selectedConfiguration?: RecursivePartial<Configuration> | undefined; configurations?: Configuration[] | undefined; calendars?: Calendar[] | undefined; currentUser?: User | null | undefined; action?: "create" | "edit" | null | undefined; additionalParticipants?: AdditionalParticipant[] | undefined; listConfigurationsNextCursor?: string | null | undefined; conferenceProviders?: Record<"google" | "zoom" | "microsoft", string> | undefined; requiresSlug?: boolean | undefined; selectedLanguage?: string | undefined; nylasBranding?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined |
enableUserFeedback | enable-user-feedback | Indicates if the user feedback feature is enabled. By default, this is set to true. When enabled, the user feedback feature will be available in the edit mode. To disable the user feedback feature, set this prop to false. | boolean | undefined | true |
eventOverrides | — | This provides a way to override the default event handlers. | Partial<{ formSubmitted: (event: CustomEvent<void>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; schedulerConfigChanged: (event: CustomEvent<SchedulerEventDetail>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; schedulerConfigCreated: (event: CustomEvent<SchedulerEventDetail>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; cancelButtonClick: (event: CustomEvent<void>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; previewButtonClicked: (event: CustomEvent<HTMLNylasEditorTabsElement>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; schedulerEditorFormUpdated: (event: CustomEvent<{ value: string; name: string; }>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; initListConfigurations: (event: CustomEvent<{ host: HTMLNylasListConfigurationsElement; cursor?: string | undefined; }>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; createButtonClick: (event: CustomEvent<HTMLNylasListConfigurationsElement>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; editButtonClick: (event: CustomEvent<{ host: HTMLNylasListConfigurationsElement; configuration: Configuration; }>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; deleteButtonClick: (event: CustomEvent<{ host: HTMLNylasListConfigurationsElement; configuration: Configuration; }>, connector?: NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface | undefined) => Promise<void>; }> & EventOverride<NylasSchedulerConfigConnectorInterface> | {} |
hideEditorTabs | — | This optional prop is used to hide tabs in the editor. Available tabs are: eventInfo, availability, participants, bookingOptions, bookingForm | Tab[] | undefined | [] |
localization | — | This prop will allow to override the default localization strings for each language. Nylas scheduling page currently support the following language codes: en, es, fr, de, sv, zh, ja, nl. | undefined | { en?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; es?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; fr?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; de?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; sv?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; zh?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; ja?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; nl?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; ko?: Partial<{ noDateSelected: string; rescheduleTitle: string; days: Partial<{ sunday: string; monday: string; tuesday: string; wednesday: string; thursday: string; friday: string; saturday: string; }>; time: Partial<{ hour: string; hours: string; minute: string; minutes: string; }>; months: Partial<{ january: string; february: string; march: string; april: string; may: string; june: string; july: string; august: string; september: string; october: string; november: string; december: string; }>; nextButton: string; selectedDayAndYear: string; selectedTime: string; name: string; namePlaceholder: string; email: string; emailPlaceholder: string; guestEmail: string; guestEmailPlaceholder: string; addGuest: string; addAnotherGuest: string; backButton: string; bookNowButton: string; bookingConfirmed: string; bookingConfirmedDescription: string; bookingSent: string; bookingSentDescription: string; bookingRescheduled: string; bookingDateAndTimeHeader: string; cancelBookingButton: string; rescheduleBookingButton: string; rejectBookingButton: string; confirmBookingButton: string; bookingPendingTitle: string; bookingPendingDescription: string; confirmedEventCardTitle: string; confirmedEventCardDescription: string; cancelBookingTitle: string; cancelBookingMessage: string; reasonForCancellation: string; goBackButton: string; bookingCancelledTitle: string; bookingCancelledMessage: string; closeButton: string; closingButton: string; fieldRequired: string; invalidInputFormat: string; createBookingErrorTitle: string; getAvailabilityErrorTitle: string; cancelBookingErrorTitle: string; rescheduleBookingErrorTitle: string; getUISettingErrorTitle: string; rejectBookingErrorTitle: string; confirmBookingErrorTitle: string; genericErrorTitle: string; schedulingComponentErrorTitle: string; sessionIdRequiredErrorMessage: string; publicConfigErrorMessage: string; invalidTimeslotErrorTitle: string; invalidTimeslotErrorMessage: string; cancellationErrorTitle: string; cancellationErrorMessage: string; minimumCancellationErrorMessage: string; cancelBokingFormError: string; feedbackFormTitle: string; feedbackFormDescription: string; feedbackMessageLabel: string; feedbackMessagePlaceholder: string; feedbackModalCloseButton: string; feedbackModalSubmitButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageTitle: string; deleteSchedulingPageDescription: string; deleteSchedulingPageConfirmButton: string; deleteSchedulingPageCancelButton: string; schedulerEditorTitle: string; allSchedulingPages: string; createAndManageSchedulingPages: string; createNewSchedulingPageButtonText: string; pageTitle: string; durationTitle: string; loading: string; required: string; loadingPagesDescription: string; noSchedulingPages: string; createFirstSchedulingPage: string; editSchedulingPageButtonText: string; eventInfoTab: string; availabilityTab: string; participantsTab: string; bookingOptionsTab: string; bookingFormTab: string; communicationsTab: string; pageStylesTab: string; savingButtonText: string; saveChangesButtonText: string; createButtonText: string; timePeriod_day: string; timePeriod_week: string; timePeriod_month: string; timeDuration_minute: string; timeDuration_hour: string; eventCommunicationsTitle: string; eventCommunicationsDescription: string; nylasListConfigurations: Partial<{ previewButtonText: string; copyLinkButtonText: string; deleteButtonText: string; }>; nylasAdditionalParticipants: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; organizerAsParticipant: string; organizer: string; participant: string; addParticipant_first: string; addParticipant_next: string; tooltip: { includeOrganizer: string; includeOrganizerDesc: string; excludeOrganizer: string; excludeOrganizerDesc: string; }; }>; nylasAvailabilityPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectTimezone: string; unavailable: string; days: Record<"SUN" | "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" | "SAT", string>; }>; nylasBookingCalendarPicker: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; selectOptionLabel: string; selectCalendarErrorMessage: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationRedirect: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; redirectOption_default: string; redirectOption_custom: string; }>; nylasBookingConfirmationType: Partial<{ dropdownLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; bookingOption_booking: string; bookingOption_organizerConfirmation: string; }>; nylasBookingFormConfig: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; dropdownButtonText: string; addOption: string; allOptionsHeader: string; }>; nylasBufferTime: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; beforeBufferLabel: string; afterBufferLabel: string; minutesShort: string; previewHeader: string; }>; nylasCalendarPicker: Partial<{ calendarPickerLabel: string; }>; nylasCancellationPolicy: Partial<{ cancellationPolicyLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasConfirmationEmail: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; confirmationEmail: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; nylasBranding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; companyLogoUrl: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailMessage: { header: string; label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; additionalInfoLabel: string; additionalInfoTooltip: string; additionalInfoPlaceholder: string; }; allHosts: string; immediatelyUponBooking: string; }>; nylasConnectedCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; participantCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomBookingFlow: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasCustomEventSlug: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; eventSlugLabel: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; copied: string; }>; nylasCustomizeBookingSettings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; allowGuests: { label: string; }; hideReschedule: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; hideCancel: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; }>; nylasEventDescription: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventDuration: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventInfo: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLimits: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasEventLocation: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasEventTitle: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; helpText_start: string; helpText_end: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasLimitFutureBookings: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinBookingNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasMinCancellationNotice: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageName: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }>; nylasPageStyling: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantBookingCalendars: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantBookingCalendarTitle: string; }>; nylasParticipantCustomAvailability: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; participantOpenHoursTitle: string; }>; nylasReminderEmails: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; editButtonText: string; recipientOptions_all: string; recipientOptions_guest: string; recipientOptions_host: string; emailRecipients: { label: string; }; sendConfirmation: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; emailSubject: { label: string; placeholder: string; }; reminderMinutesValidationError: string; newReminderButtonText: string; }>; nylasSchedulingMethod: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; headerSubTitle: string; tooltip: { standard: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxFairness: { label: string; desc: string; }; maxAvailability: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; schedulingMethodOptions_collective: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxFairness: string; schedulingMethodOptions_maxAvailability: string; }>; nylasTimeslotInterval: Partial<{ headerTitle: string; timeslotInterval: { label: string; }; timeslotRounding: { label: string; tooltip: { desc: string; }; }; timeslotRoundingOptions: { rounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; noRounding: { label: string; desc: string; }; }; }>; }> | undefined; } | undefined |
mode | mode | This is used to set the mode for the scheduler config. The mode can be ‘app’ or ‘composable’. The default mode is ‘app’. | "app" | "composable" | 'app' |
nylasApiRequest | — | The Nylas Api Request instance. Used to make requests to the Nylas API. | NylasApiRequest | undefined | undefined |
nylasBranding | nylas-branding | This prop will allow to show / hide the option to manage nylas branding in the email template. By default, this is set to true. When enabled, the option to show/hide nylas branding will be shown in the email template. To disable the option to show/hide nylas branding, set this prop to false. | boolean | undefined | true |
nylasSessionsConfig | — | The Nylas Sessions configuration. Used to configure the Nylas Sessions instance. | Config | undefined | undefined |
requiresSlug | requires-slug | Indicates if a slug is required for the configuration. When set to true, the user must enter a slug when creating or editing a configuration. The slug is used for hosted pages. If using Nylas hosted scheduling pages, the schedulerPreviewLink prop can be set to redirect to a public configuration as follows:<YOUR_NYLAS_APP_CLIENT_ID>/{slug} . us denotes the region. Replace it with the appropriate region of your application. Replace <YOUR_NYLAS_APP_CLIENT_ID> with your Nylas app client ID. The {slug} placeholder is replaced with the appropriate slug when the scheduler preview button is clicked. Note: Nylas hosted scheduling pages are only available for public configurations. | boolean | false |
schedulerPreviewLink | scheduler-preview-link | The scheduler preview link used when the user clicks the preview button. If requiresSlug is true, you can use the placeholder {slug} to insert the slug in the link for Nylas hosted scheduling pages. Additionally, you can use the placeholder {} to insert the configuration ID anywhere in the link. For example:<YOUR_NYLAS_APP_CLIENT_ID>/{slug} . us denotes the region. Replace it with the appropriate region of your application. Replace <YOUR_NYLAS_APP_CLIENT_ID> with your Nylas app client ID. Note: Nylas hosted scheduling pages are only available for public configurations. | string | '' |
Event | Description | Type |
init | This event is fired when the provider is initialized. By default, this event handles determining if the user is logged in or not. In addition, it fetches the provided configuration if a valid configuration id is provided. | CustomEvent<HTMLNylasSchedulerEditorElement> |
loggedIn | This event is fired when the the NylasAuth isAuthenticated state changes to true. | CustomEvent<HTMLNylasSchedulerEditorElement> |
loggedOut | This event is fired when the the NylasAuth isAuthenticated state changes to false. | CustomEvent<HTMLNylasSchedulerEditorElement> |
schedulerConfigCloseClicked | This event is fired when the close button on scheduler config is clicked. | CustomEvent<HTMLNylasSchedulerEditorElement> |
schedulerConnector() => Promise<NylasSchedulerConfigConnector | undefined>
This method is used to get the NylasSchedulerConfigConnector instance. You can use this instance to make requests to the Nylas API.
Type: Promise<NylasSchedulerConfigConnector | undefined>
Promise<NylasSchedulerConfigConnector | undefined>
store() => Promise<NylasSchedulerConfigStoreType | undefined>
This method is used to get the NylasSchedulerConfigStore instance. You can use this instance to update or get the state of the store.
Type: Promise<CreateNylasSchedulerConfigStoreReturnType | undefined>
Promise<NylasSchedulerConfigStoreType | undefined>
Slot | Description |
"custom-page-style-inputs" | This slot is used in “app” mode to pass a custom page style form to the nylas-page-styling component. |
"login-required" | This slot is used to display a message when the user is not logged in. |
Shadow Parts
Part | Description |
"nse__close-button" | The close button of the scheduler editor. Use this part to hide the close button. |
"nse__content" | The content of the scheduler editor. Use this part to adjust the height of the editor. |
"nse__header" | The header of the scheduler editor. |
"nse__language" | |
"nse__list-configurations" | The list of configurations. Use this part to adjust the height of the list. |
"nse__login-required" | The login required component. |
"nse__login-required-card" | The card of the login required component. |
"nse__login-required-disclaimer-text" | The icon of the login required component. |
"nse__login-required-google-button" | The Google button of the login required component. |
"nse__login-required-microsoft-button" | The Microsoft button of the login required component. |
"nse__login-required-other-provider-button" | The other provider button of the login required component. |
"nse__login-required-text" | The text of the login required component. |
"nse__title" | The title of the scheduler editor. |
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